Guide to Workstation Lighting

The right light: Optimal workstation lighting
Workstation lighting is much more important than most people imagine. Our working environment, work performance and well-being are much affected by it. The personal task light is one of the most important factors for achieving a good working environment.
A whole range of unwanted aches and pains, headaches, neck and back ailments and eye-strain can be attributed to poor lighting. This is because the body compensates for poor lighting: We adopt unhealthy postures in order to see well. When fitting out or refurbishing your workplace it is essential to provide adequate light from an adaptable and easily adjusted source such as a task light.
By placing a task light at each work station we are not only providing the individual with a good and ergonomically correct lighting solution. It also makes it possible to make a substantial reduction of the general lighting in the room.
The best solution for achieving optimal workspace lighting is an asymmetric task light.
Ergonomically designed task lights distribute light evenly across the working area. Importantly they prevent reflection and will not cause any discomfort to colleagues. The even light distribution eases the transition between light and dark areas on the working surface and allows your eyes to work in a constant, comfortable light.
Crucial Features of Luxo Workstation Task Lights
The best solution for achieving optimal workspace lighting is an asymmetric task light.

Task lights with asymmetric light output distribute light evenly across the working area. They prevent reflection and will not cause any discomfort to colleagues.

Task lights with symmetric light output provide more light on the surface of a condensed area. They are particularly good for inspections and performance of visual tasks of low contrast and small size.
Ergonomically designed task lights distribute light evenly across the working area. The even light distribution eases the transition between light and dark areas on the working surface and allows your eyes to work in a constant, comfortable light.
Requirements for good workspace lighting are laid down in the Australian standard for Interior Lighting AS/NZS 1680.1 and the international standard for indoor workplace lighting, EN 12464-1. Luxo task lights contribute a minimum average of 500 lux on the desk surface, fulfilling the illuminance requirements of both documents.
An individual ergonomic task light ensures optimal computer workstation lighting. The illustration shows an important advantage with asymmetric light output; the fact that the luminaire may be placed at the side of your desk and not directly in front of you.
The ability to place the light exactly where it is needed is a hallmark of a Luxo task light. The flexibility of the lamp head means that it is easy to adjust our task lights for your personal needs.
Yaw, tilt and spin

It is the combination of arm and head movements that determines the degree of flexibility in a task light. All Luxo task lights have medium to high flexibility, each offering one, two or a combination of all three of these head movements. These lamp head movements help you direct the light to where you need it, without moving the task light.
Tilt and spin actions should be used with caution, as they take the luminaire head from its natural position of parallel to the workstation surface and may result in glare for the user or colleagues. That being said, there are situations where this additional flexibility is of benefit to the user.
Luxo’s history of lighting for the individual began with the development of the L-1 task light in 1937. The freedom of movement and the ability to place the light exactly where it was needed, forever changed the way task lights work. L-1 was designed by Luxo’s founder, the engineer Jac Jacobsen, and is still in production. The lamp arm is balanced by springs that work on the action and reaction principle of human arm muscles.
Naturally, Luxo’s range of products has been vastly expanded since those early days. However, the philosophy and knowledge from the development of the L-1 is being maintained in their modern products. Today Luxo’s range of task lights and other arm based luminaires comprise a wide variety of arm technology, with or without visible springs. They all have perfect balance, and careful ergonomics built into them. The aesthetics of the arm designs may be considered a quality in their own right.
The ability to place the light exactly where it is needed is a hallmark of a Luxo arm. The flexibility of arm and head means that it is easy to adjust our task lights for your personal needs. The arm construction ensures that the lamp head will always stay in the right position without drifting.

Air LED is a modern classic with traditional, visible springs that form part of the design.

Ovelo has an arm with covered spring design.
5 year warranty
From 1st October 2010, Glamox Luxo Lighting gives a 5 year warranty against manufacturing and material defects on all Luxo branded products. If the warranty conditions are fulfilled, Glamox Luxo Lighting will either repair or replace the products with new fully functional products.
This warranty is valid from the invoice date and applies for manufacturing and material defects if the products have been used/installed:
- Purely in accordance with their intended purpose and application specifications
- Within the specified operational envelope, e.g. environment
- With power within the specified range, i.e. voltage, current and frequency
- In a professional and legal manner and in accordance with installation instructions provided
The warranty does not cover:
- Any type of consequential loss
- Failures due to exposure to extreme conditions, e.g. thunder, lightning, water ingress, fire, bad ventilation or other conditions beyond the control of Glamox Luxo Lighting
- Parts that need to be replaced due to normal wear and tear, e.g. light sources, starters, and batteries
- Failures due to compatibility issues between the products and the installation environment. e.g. control system & power supply
- Products that have been modified or repaired by unauthorized personnel
- Normal maintenance and repair issues